Friday, May 7, 2010

Words were spoken.......

Most of the time the words
don't make much sense....
But when they do, it can
break your heart.
Yesteday I was walking
my dad down the hallway,
holding his hand and telling
him my name and that I  am
his daughter. I always do this.
We got to our destination at
I sat down and started getting
some music ready to play.
He stood up above me and
looked out the window.
He suddlenly spoke:

"Ya got 8 of 'em, ya hear that?
But there's just you.  There is
none of them left.  Ya hear that?"

Now to some this may not mean
much.  But to me, it spoke
loud and clear.  I interpreted
this to be his way of attemping to
communicate that he is in there.
That he knows that his kids
are not around. He knows it
is primarily me that is up there with him.
I do not mean to slam on my
family but WOW, this was insane to me.
It freaks me out.
It breaks my heart.

i miss my daddy

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