Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have been terrible at updating this.
The only reason being, I'm sick of this situation.
I need to get my positive attitude back and
just start dealing with it again.
I just feel so alone. 
Which really in the scheme of things,
does not matter.
I do what I do for myself and my dad.
And my mom.
I don't do it for anyone else. 
I just feel alone in that no one really 
gets it.
With the exception of my kids.
Leah and Tyler.
Who knew that two kids could
bring so much love and joy to my life!?
I mean, I guess as a parent you 
should know that. 
I guess I just never thought about
having adult kids and how great
they would be!
Love them more than anything 
in this world. 
They are the best kids ever.

Pops continues to hold his own.
He kissed my cheek last night.  
That was the only interaction I got.
It was enough.
The words are few and far between now.
It's super sad.
His body is week, his mind is gone.
He kissed me on the cheek last night.
And that was enough 

i miss my daddy