Monday, July 26, 2010

Selfish people make me angry

I will never understand why
it is so difficult for people to
do things that might make
them a little sad or uncomfortable.
What is the big deal?
It is life people.
Buck up---
Things happen that will
upset you, scare you,
make you want to crawl into
a hole and never come out.
But guess what???
This is life!!
Things happen........
Deal with your issues.
Don't run and hide from them.
Maybe my people aren't "selfish"
so much but that is how they appear.
And it is really starting to piss me off.
I guess starting isn't the right word
because I've been pissed off for
a long time now!
Since we had to put him somewhere.
Why does it seem like I'm the only
one who truly gets it and gives a shit?
It is so disappointing.
I receive so much joy from my visits.
Others could too if they would
give it a chance.  But instead they
have chosen to walk away...
Just walk away from their father, grand-father.
I would say great grand-father also,
but these poor children will never
get a chance to know the man he was.
I wonder if I would be bringing my
toddler up to see him if things were
different.  YES.  I would.
Yesterday Pops got to enjoy the fun
of small children with someone elses
family.  At least he got that.  Otherwise
all he has is me...1 son now and then
and 1 daughter now and then...
2 grandkids (MINE) that come when
they can. 
i think i feel a bit better :)

i miss my daddy

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