Sunday, March 14, 2010

i'm just so overwhelmed
lately .
so unsure that i want to
keep doing this
but i don't have a choice.
this is our life now.
this is what we have to do.
i feel soo terrible for my dad..
the guilt of not being able to
do anything is really starting
to wear on me.
am i over compensating for that
by trying to be there so much?
i don't think so
i need to be there, regardless.
it is just what you do.
today he hit me in the face
it was sad
i felt so horrible for HIM
not for me..
he would be so sad if he
knew what he was doing to us
he would be devastated.
the hardest part for me is
that there is no light at the
end of the tunnel.
there is no hope
only to get worse and then

i miss my daddy

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