Friday, June 5, 2009

Today is a big day! Bob's surprise party. I wish I wasn't such a freak out. I just freak myself out all the time over little crap. When in the scheme of life, BIG DEAL!!! Need to get over it.
Also, my mother is still pissed off at me for the whole Vegas trip. She is mad she didn't get to go. Sorry. She wouldn't have had any fun there anyway. NOT a place for 78 year old ladies. She doesn't see it. She is stubborn. I'm stubborn too. Of course I'll be the one who gives. Which I hate. Why can't she just realize what she does/says. Her words and actions are so painful. She doesn't get it. I understand her life sucks. Bad.. I get that. But she seems to have forgot she is my mother. And I am her daughter. I need a mother still! SHe doesn't see it at all. I need to get over it. Life is too short to worry about things like that. I need to keep my life in perspective. Sometimes it is hard but I will continue to work on it. I never want to make my own children feel the way I feel today. :-(

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