Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I sort of forgot I had started this blog to just track daily living. I think I will try to start doing that for myself. But more importantly start writing things I remember about my dad. And my mom too for that matter. I fear I will not recall these memories and only have the recent ones which are not the greatest to remember.
Dad seemed quite a bit better after we put him on the new pill. It is a heavy duty anti-psychotic pill that scared the crap out of me. But after seeing him and seeing that it does seem to be improving his communication a bit, I think it will be ok. Of course nothing is a cure. Just something to buy a little more time. He seemed to enjoy life more. We took him for a walk and we also took him for a boat ride. He liked both and didn't complain a bit. He listened to some music but didn't sing along. I miss those days. I hope I get to hear him sing again soon. He loved to sing. He loved music his whole life. And loved dancing! My mom and dad were in a dance club when I was young. They would get together with friends once a month and go to the Legion and dance. I think they both loved it. I sure don't think are are things to do like that anymore. Too bad.. Mom also was part of a card club too. Where they would meet once a month at peoples houses and play cards and smoke and drink! Good times for her I'm sure!!

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