Thursday, June 18, 2009

The glove

Why do I forget about this??
Back to my main reason....
I have picked Pops up the last two days in a row. 1st day, good mood, not so bad. Things went quite well. 2nd day, crabby, still went good but he wasn't as happy.
Which sucks. Just when you think things are seeming a bit better, you get hit again..
Nothing will ever bring him back but when I see glimpses of who he was, it is wonderful and
terrible all at the same time. We brought him to Donnas last night and he rode in the backseat, Tyler had a pair of gloves back there and Pops put one on. He looked like MIchael Jackson! I wasn't going to tell him to take it off since he gets cranky. It was pretty funny! We must keep our sense of humor!
Total family weekend ahead.. Good and bad there as well. I wish I could just be happy with my family and not feel the need to complain about them, but that is just not the way it is. oh well. I am sure all families are like this. Some much worse. We just shove things under the rug and pretend they didn't or aren't happening. Some families yell and scream and have blow outs and never talk again. hmmm wonder which is worse.

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