Friday, June 18, 2010

Yesterday was a pretty darn good day.
All the excitement is over and the
company is gone.  When I arrived
he was thrilled to see me.  Very
lucid and with it. He was chatting
and making lots of sense.  It felt great!
He also looked good and also
seemed to be focusing in on me more.
It seems as though he was not as
drugged up as he had been.
Who knows.  Because then I called my
mom and she said he had been terrible
for her earlier in the day......
We are planning on moving him.
I'm scared about it but it seems like we should.
They don't know how to handle him.
All they ever talk about is how bad he is
and how bad the agitation is.
It is time. There are facilities out there
much more equipt to take care of him.
I hope it works.

i miss my daddy

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