Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Missing an important man.

Labor Day came and went.
It's funny how the world just keeps
on going despite any issues you
have going on. Sickness, depression,
happiness, sadness, it just keeps on
a going. Nothing stops. Nothing waits.
People just keep going on about
their business. My world feels like
it has slowed down a bit. Even though
I'm busy as always, it just has a calm
sense of slowness in regards to my dad.
I was amazed when I looked at the calendar
today and realized it has only been 2.5 weeks.
Seems like forever.
Tyler and I went on Monday and Tuesday.
Both days he was in his room in the bed.
Monday dressed and attempting a nap.
And yesterday in bed for the night at 7pm
He flew out though when we walked in.
VERY glad to see us. Donna was there
during the day. He seems ok but it is
sure sad. There is an underlying look
that he is giving me that is trying to
say something. I am unsure what it is.
My kids have both commented on this
so I know it's not just me and I'm not going
crazy. He sure seems to know more now
than he has known in a very long time.
I feel like visiting him everyday because
of the joy I bring. I will attempt to do
this. It is hard, but I will try my best.
It is what you do for your parents.
I miss my daddy

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