Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Well, it is funny how things can
change in such a short time.
my last post stated that things
seemed to have stabilized and
that the meds seemed ok.
Well that has changed drastically.
We have several days of complete
Head down, mouth hanging open,
drool coming out, unable to walk...
So the Dr. decided last weekend to cut
the Seroquel out and see what happens.\
He came back to life!
On Sunday he was walking around like crazy.
ALong with this good of course must
come some bad.
The aggesive behavior and the
combativeness seems to have also
come back to life.  I feel horrible
about this.  It just seems that you
can't have one without the other.
It is so stressful and sad.
We will continue to work to find
a happy medium. 
We have increased his Depakote for now.
The Dr. agrees that Seroquel is not he right
medication for Pops.  We will try other options.
Also, he fell yesterday and has a large bruise
on his back and also a very bruised toe. 
Poor guy....

i miss my daddy

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