Monday, January 10, 2011

I have a feeling that the physical aspect of
my dad is dwindling away.
On Saturday when we got there for supper,
he was walking out of his room, escorted by
2 staff.  He could hardly stand up, much less walk.
It was so terribly sad to see.
It's like you know that this is coming,
but to see it is heart wrenching.
He was doing the "old man shuffle"
His head was down, his back slummped
over and his feet shuffling.  I felt as though
they were pulling him along and perhaps he
didn't know to move his feet.  Hard to say.
Once seated, he did eat really well and even
smiled at us and seemed alert and happy.
I am sure that a wheelchair is in our future.
Funny how I am much better at rolling with
things now.  Before this would've devastated
me.  But now I am feeling that  this is just
the progression that will happen.  There is
nothing I can do about it and it is out of my

i miss my daddy

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