Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am fairly computer saavy
but can't figure out how
to post more pics to this.
Oh well!
I posted one under a
seperate post and that
worked but I would like
to jazz it up a bit.

The guilt was pretty
bad yesterday. Pops
wanted to go with me.
It is so hard.
I compare it to dropping
your kids off at daycare.
It is a very similar feeling.
They look at you, and want
to come with you.
They don't want you to leave.
The only difference is
that he doesn't throw
a screaming fit! I'm glad
for that.
It still is very hard though,
to see your father in this
I'm so sad.
I do a pretty good job
disassociating myself from
the situation, but somedays
I just want him back.
Somedays it is too hard
to seperate myself.

i miss my daddy

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