Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Oh, Alzheimer's Disease how I loathe you

Oh, Alzheimer's Disease how I loathe you.

Why does this disease have to happen to my family?
Why my poor father?
Could it hurt anymore?
Started out bad, proceeds to get worse.
No end in sight.
Brings sadness to a new level.
Don't want to deal, but must.
The Long Goodbye.
Multiple goodbyes.
Feels like never ending goodbyes.
Miss him more than I can express.
Feel so sad for him and what he has become.
Wish I could turn back time.
Will it ever end.......
It has to......
But seems to go on and on...
Love him so much.
Wish the good Lord would call him home.
Sad but true.

Oh, Alzheimer's Disease how I loathe you.

i miss my daddy